Entry Penned Beginning
Monday December 16th 2024 C.E
09:16 GMT+7
Or you know, like two weeks, since I sat down to write here. I could choose to blame mercury gatorade but I think that mostly it is just that the last two weeks have been, more or less, SSDD.
Running from one, metaphorical, fire to another, taking time in between to rest, catch my breath and recover, lose a day or two to migraines or other stress driven illness, pull another “Rob ex machina” out of my increasingly threadbare coat sleeves, so really just the last few years of normal life.
I know it is not always like this, and right now we are in another big push, arranging the resources and the people; the four legs (cats) are already enroute here to Thailand, one of the two legged people is headed here in just a few days time and shortly thereafter my hubby and I will be heading to AU and the next lot of shuffling happens and the last group of folks still in the US leave before the start of the new calendar year and arrive in AU on what is, within the tradition I follow and practice, the start of our year.
As Sir Terry Pratchett might have put it; that is very myffic.
Of course making all that happen requires effort on the part of everybody not just those directly involved. The work, and the Work, is spread out across the whole family; our whole clan working together to make it happen because we aren’t just a collection of individuals trying to do similar things, we are a doing this thing together.
Some days it is hard to see that we are making progress, fortunately we rarely all have those days at the same time and we can encourage each other and remind each other that while the feeling is understandable and valid, it is based on a faulty premise or an incomplete viewpoint; in other words on those days when one or more of us are struggling we are able to give, and to be gifted, the greatest treasure to set our internal compass by, hope.
I woke feeling very much like I wanted a doona day; to simply pull the doona (or duvet or comforter if you are American) back over my head and call it a wash. However there are things I need to do today, things that others are counting on having done, and by writing this journal entry I am reminded of how each of my tasks today draws us all one step closer to where we are going. That even as I hold my family in my thoughts and my heart they hold me in theirs as well, we do these things together
I am hoping to have more fun and interesting things to share soon, once the new year begins I think I will feel more able to truly embrace the holiday aspect of things.
For now I share a simple thing that brought me much joy the last few days. some K-pop.
-Robert James-Noonan O’Wayreth
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