Entry Penned Beginning
Monday January 6th 2025 C.E
10:21 GMT+11
The title of this post is from an old ad here in Australia, a land where rain sometimes, for folks who live on the land, means the difference between success and going broke, life and death.
Overnight we got the first real rains here since I arrived, and it is always such a transformation of the land.
Yesterday was a big shopping trip into the nearest real city, about an hour drive each way and the last few days have been a bit of a blur of activity as we get things settled and sorted; still waiting on a few deliveries and still having to do a little work to get our phones working.
With the switch off of the 3G network we have seen the loss of worldwide standards and between clueless politicians and greedy governments we have gone back to the bad old days where carriers only support calls on phones they sold themselves.
This article does a way better job of explaining the minutiae than I are to
I have gotten most of our phone sorted out and everyone has access to WiFi in the mean time. I have one more to work on today and there are two that I am going to need to use a third party to help me with since, shockingly, T-Mobile didn’t do the thing they were told to back in October and unlock the phones.
Apart from working on the one phone that I can I am planning to take a gentle day, I have been overdoing it and my body has let me know as I have lost my voice; it helps that this sort of weather has always been conducive to restful days for me; not too cold but the quiet after the rains of the land soaking in the revitalizing and renewing hydration.
This is the same view, more or less, as from the other day. Again the picture doesn’t do it justice but orange has turned to green and the white of the quartz pops more now against the duller clay of the earth whose red has given way to a green/grey.
I am looking forward to exploring a bit more in depth some reflections on the journey so far, after I am feeling a bit more rested, on intentional community, on the difficulties that we have faced in forming the family that we have; both in the US prior to our move and how that has impacted our decision to leave the US and take our gap year as well as looking to settle in a new country together.
-Robert James-Noonan O’Wayreth
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