Been 20 years since I did that!

Entry Penned Beginning

Monday February 24th 2025 C.E

20:34 GMT+11

Doing a lot of settling in, trying to get some things organised and arranged but as ever things move at the speed of the slowest bureaucrat involved.

Still a personal achievement that I wanted to manage on this holiday was to improve my physical health, if possible. Unfortunately the events of the last few years have taken a rather substantial toll which I have been painfully aware of.

That said last Friday I ticked off one of my personal goal; to slalom waterski again. It has been at least 20 years since I have done it, maybe more, and last time I was in Australia a few years ago I couldn’t manage it at all. This time second attempt and I was up; it was a rather good feeling and I credit the self care I was putting in while in Thailand with getting me to a point that my body could manage what the spirit remembered.

Of course I can’t waterski as often as I would like, simply not practical, but I have been trying to keep up some level of physical activity. It helps that Robert enjoys going for a walk; well I say walk but what he enjoys is going to visit new places for him to look at while in his wagon and having dad take him along all the unmade roads so it is a suitably enjoyable ride.

I am feeling stretched thin still, the effort involved in getting everyone moved has been rather intense and we are still resolving some things in the US as well as making arrangements for our various vacation activities which was always going to be a bit of a logistical juggle.

Still with the bulk of the paperwork done to get up to date in the various government systems and databases here I am hopeful to be able to start some of the more exciting things on my ‘to do’ list; for now though I am just happy to cross off “Can still deep water start slalom (My vanity compels me to add: In the same wet suit I got for my 16th birthday)

-Robert James-Noonan O’Wayreth


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