Entry Penned Beginning
Thursday November 21st 2024 C.E
13:42 GMT+7
Today has been a little bit of a struggle, but I feel accomplished in that I got through all the things I wanted to.
Last night I made something of a mistake, instead of following my usual process I continued playing Cyberpunk for a little bit, and my AUDHD self wanted to get to the “natural stopping point”, I compromised with myself and decided to do so in lieu of my normal wind down TV show to step my brain down.
I succeeded and got to sleep at the time I like to do so, unfortunately I did not count on waking an hour and a half early. As it turns out one of my ancestors wanted to pass a message through me to my wider family.
I’ve talked previously about dreams that are not truly dreams, and this was one such.
Finding myself in Psych 102, only to be told I was not enrolled and in fact was supposed to report to microbiology 101. I left the classroom and went to the correct room, it was not a classroom however but more like a workshop. THe teacher sat at a bench with an array of tools and was sharpening a wood cutting axe on a grindstone. He turned invited me to sit with the rest of the class; the teacher was my brother-in-law, but not in anyway I had seen him in life. He looked younger, more vital and more centered than I remember him.
I took a seat in a bean bag with the rest of the class, I could not tell you who was there but the class felt familiar, like family. The room reminded me in ways that I cannot fully express of kindergarten; at least the area where the students were sitting. The divide was quite apparent between the carpeted and gentle area we sat in and the concrete working area that my brother-in-law/teacher sat in.
The lesson began, but was not, on its surface, about microbiology at all but rather music theory. The teacher explained that we have ears, so have a frame of reference for music and that is where would start.
This was the second ancestor dream that night, the first remains too personal to share publicly. I woke up immediately and felt the need to share both the dream and the take away I had of it with certain folks.
“You are not alone. You are loved and held in a space of love. things are connected in ways you cannot see or understand yet, and that is ok no-one expects you to; that is our job not yours”
Of course after this I was thoroughly awake and unable to return to sleep, all I wanted to do at this point was just curl back up in bed for the day, however if I let myself fall out of my self care routine, even for a good reason, it will begin to slip all to easily.
So my usual routine of self care, one step at a time, and then out for the day to chase down a few things.
The house here has no microwave, nor toaster oven or much of anything for cooking save a gas grill, so a new combination microwave had to be purchased and arranged for delivery; again the largest challenge being the language barrier and the sales person and I each typing on our phone into google translate and showing the phones to each other.
My other major task for the day was to finally gain access to the QR code “prompt pay” system that is ubiquitous in Thailand, so much so that there are places that have no other form of payment option. Unfortunately by design the Thai economy is difficult to as a foreigner and none of the ‘easily accessed’ options that much of Thai commerce is based around permit foreigners to sign up. After several false starts and some rather frustrating dead ends I have now got an application called DeepPocket configured which I have successfully “topped up” like a prepaid card and made a payment from.
My final task for the day was to pick up some local alcohol to try, for science of course. So this evening we will try out

A locally made rice wine

A locally blended whisky

Lao Khao, a white spirit that is apparently somewhat analogous to vodka; originally it was made from rice but now is made from molasses.
Of course there are all the familiar alcohols, and just incase I picked up a few Smirnoff Ice (which outside the US is actually vodka not that horrible malt abomination they sell in the states) but scientific enquiry demands I try the local flavor; there is no point travelling if you only do the same things you always have done after all.
-Robert James-Noonan O’Wayreth

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